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Company Values

Transparency and accountability

As a donor collaborative organization, The Angels NGO is working tirelessly to expand its impact and scale of transparency and accountability to its financiers and beneficiaries.

Integrity and Credibility

The strongest thing that any human being has going for itself is its own integrity and its own heart. At the Angels, we are keen to establish a high degree of credibility by achieving high standards of integrity.

Leadership and Teambuilding

Being a social organization, The Angels believe in the leading transformation to a better society.


Founders and staff at The Angels are committed to its purpose of empowering and providing opportunities to disadvantaged children.


We strive to excel in every aspect of our commitment to transform our society and approach every challenge with a determination to succeed.

Gratitude and Appreciation

With gratitude heart helps us to see so much abundance in our life. Taking a brief moment to say "thank you".

Words to live by

Kind words creates confidence.

Kind thinking creates profoundness.

Kind giving creates love.