5 X Mille

To help us and support the association's projects is to choose 5 X Mille, which costs you nothing.

If you are an italian citizen, the choice of destination of the 5 X Mille and that of the 8 X Mille referred to in Law No 222 of 1985 are in no way an alternative between them. The destinations of the 5 X Mille and the 8 X Mille do not represent in any way additional disbursements for the taxpayer: they are only a choice of destination of a part of the taxes that have to be paid in any case.
Helping us is very simple: look in the CUD, 730 or UNICo Persone Fisiche models for the 5 x 1000.

Put your signature and write our tax code number 90132750564 in the first of the three boxes (Support of non-profit organizations of social utility…).